
Meaning of the Names Parsa, Parthava and Parsua

Diakonoff considers the names Parsa, Parthava, and Parsua as Median names, interpreting them to mean rib and, metaphorically, sideor edge (History of the Medes (Tarikh-e mad), p. 91, Persian translated by Karim Keshavarz, 1966 [1345]).

Lugal-Anne-mundu (ca. 26th century BCE) mentions a tribe called Parashi in southeastern Iran, which was the ancient ancestor of the Persians before the Achaemenids. In ancient Akkadian, this name was reported as Parashu. These names are derived from the ancient Proto-Indo-Aryan word Paraśī battle-axe. Therefore, Parsa means battle-axe warriors, and the translations rib, side, edge are clumsy and incorrect. Parsa and Parthava share the same root.

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