
Etymology of the Name Tushaspa (ca. 2nd Century CE)

The name of a Yonarāja (= local governor/Indo-Greek satrap) during in the Ashokan reign in Gujarat, India. Scholars have identified Iranian roots for this name rather than Greek, but no translation has been suggested [1]. The name derives from the Indo-Iranian compound Taviṣa-aspa “(possessor of) strong horse(s)”. The first part is seen in the name Tushratha “possessor of a swift chariot” King of Mitanni (14th century BCE).

[1] Hermann Kulke & Dietmar Rothermund 2004, A History of India: 83, Fourth Edition, Routledge; Sarita Khetry 2005-2006, "The Old Persian Traits in Asokan Inscriptions", PIHC 66: 92.

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