
Etymology of the name šarazana (The Kassite personal name)

The Kassites were of Iranian descent, yet some scholars mistakenly considered them non-Iranian. The name šarazana is derived from shara cognate with the Proto-Indo-Aryan sare Lord, Ruler, and zana, which in Avestan meaning race, lineage, descent. Furthermore, the Avestan zan to be born, to generate, a term still used in Persian today, as human generations are born from women. Compare it with Sanskrit jan to give birth, connects with Baluchi jan woman in, Hindi jana to give birth, ancient Greek genos to give birth, ancient Persian dana to give birth, Laki and Kurdish zhan woman. Additionally, Elamite zana woman derives from the same root. Thus, šara-zana means of noble descent or whose descent is nobilty, nobleman.

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